Bounding the QCD Equation of State with the Lattice
The equation of state of QCD matter at high densities is relevant for neutron star structure and for neutron star mergers and has been a focus of recent work. We show how lattice QCD simulations, free of sign problems, can provide an upper bound on the pressure as a function of quark chemical potentials. We show that at large chemical potentials this bound should become quite sharp; the difference between the upper bound on the pressure and the true pressure is of order . The corrections arise from a single Feynman diagram; its calculation would render remaining corrections .
JHEP 12 (2023) 133
We show that the pressure of phase-quenched QCD – a theory that is simpler to compute on the lattice – agrees with the pressure of true QCD up to next-to-next-to-next to leading order, where it differes in only one part of one diagram (pictured).